Bulk Enrol Learners
Use the Bulk Enrol feature on the Learners page to select both enrolled and non-enrolled learners, and then bulk enrol them onto a course.
The Enrolment Manager role is required to use the Bulk Enrol functionality.
You can control whether or not a bulk enrolment completes for successful records when there is a partial failure using the Rollback Transaction on Partial Failure institution setting.
For information on how the bulk enrolment functionality deals with over-subscribed courses, see Over-Subscribed Courses.
To display the Bulk Enrolment Wizard:
Use the Condition Builder to search for and display learner records.
Select the required learners in the Learners grid.
You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records), or Ctrl-A (for all records).
Click the Bulk Enrol button on the Learner Manager ribbon.
The Bulk Enrolment Wizard is displayed.
The Bulk Enrolment Wizard is made up of the following screens: